Server, which does not work over IPv4…
If this web page loaded successfully, your computer is able to use the modern network protocol IPv6. Congratulations!
It looks like your computer is connected to a network, which does not support the older protocol IPv4.
Your computer is connected only by IPv6, so you always use the modern protocol!
It looks like your computer is connected to a network, which supports both IPv6 and the older IPv4 protocol.
When connecting to a web page accessible by both protocols, your computer prefers the older IPv4the modern IPv6 protocol.
Your IPv6 adress is:
You are using the Teredo automatic tunneling on IPv4 adress and port
You are using the 6to4 automatic tunnel. The gateway address is:
You have native (or manually tunneled) connectivity!
It looks like your IP address doesn't have a reverse DNS record.
Reverse DNS record for your IP address is:
There is no forward record for this address.
IP address for reverse record matches with your IP address, congrats!
But this reverse record points to address:
Check your e-mail IPv6 capability! Just send an e-mail to address and wait for an automatic reply.